Molim za pomoc za dete Viktor Samolov koji je clan fondacije.

Viktor boluje od cerebralne paralize.

Za svojih 3,5 godine Viktor je postigao mnogo, on je "cudo dete"za svoju primarnu dijagnozu-lobarnu holoprozencefaliju koja je jako retka bolest.

Troskovi lecenja iznose na mesecnom nivou 250 000 dinara uz potrebe rehabilitacije na svakih 3 meseca koja iznosi 1500 e.

Tu su i troskovi za razna pomagala.

Na fondaciji nam se iznos smanjuje, a kako se broj korisnika u fondaciji svakim danom povecava sve je teze prikupiti i mene kao majku je strah kako cemo izneti sve te troskove.

Hvala unapred!Jelica Samolov



Dear Friend,

Since we began our 'Help Serbian Families' project five years ago we have saved 1000s of vulnerable families and children throughout the region. YOU made that happen.

One of those children is Pavle Vlaškalin. The now 10-year-old boy from Bečej, suffers from a rare and incurable disease called epidermolysis bullosa. Kids with EB are often referred to as "butterfly children" because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly's wings. His continuous care costs $1000 every month, an amount well above his parent's combined salaries. In addition to his skin condition, his respiratory and digestive organs have not improved since the last time we helped in 2018, which means he requires a special diet.

Прича на српском: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXa-aL3Fxct

Pavle is only alive due to the unselfish attention and love of his overburdened parents, for whom each new day brings a new struggle to provide the means for his life-saving care. Like his father told us with tears in his eyes; "we can go without food, but not without these bandages". To our organization, this remains one of the saddest cases because the parents know they can help their child have a more comfortable life, but they simply do not have the money to afford the criminally overpriced Mepilex bandages their boy needs.

Let's help take away some of the pain from this child's life.

Online Donations:
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/28jun
Credit Card: https://28jun.org/donate
Facebook Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/895647044489192/

SMS: Pošalji 1 na 1733

Tekući račun:
Ime: 28. JUN
Dinarski racun broj: 265111031000342797
Raiffeisen banka Srbije

For cheques, international transfers, other forms of payment and tax receipts please email us.

IMPORTANT - If you prefer to ship these bandages directly to the family, we can put you in touch with them. We're the only organization in the region that does this, because we are volunteer-based, we only worry about helping children in need, not overhead costs!

Thank you again for your support,