Poruka iz Axioma Travel agencije

Dragi postovani putnici,


Axioma travel


Svim srcem smo uz sve vas koji ste pogodjeni ovom globalnom zdravstvenom krizom. Nadamo se da ste svi kod kuce, u zdravlju i miru. Ovo je period pun izazova za sve nas, i cinimo sve sto mozemo da sacuvamo zdravlje nasih zaposlenih, istovremeno se trudeci da pomognemo i podrzimo sve nase klijente. S tim ciljem, privremeno smo zatvorili sve nase kancelarije - Tempe, Arizona, Beograd i Cikago. Nastavicemo da dajemo podrsku svim nasim lojalnim putnicima preko broja 800 929 4662 i email-a.

Drago nam je sto smo do sad uspeli da pomognemo mnogima od vas koji ste imali poteskoce da se vratite svojim kucama. Nas sledeci prioritet je pomoc onima koji imaju zakazana putovanja izmedju sad i 15.aprila. Kao sto mnogi od vas znaju, avio kompanije nude promenu datuma putovanja bez naplate penala. Ako imate karte kupljene za kraj proleca i pocetak leta, i zeleli biste da ih pomerite za kasnije, pocnite da razmisljate o novim potencijalnim datumima.

Ovo je jedinstveno vreme za sve nas, te savetujemo svima da prate zdravstvene protokole kako bi se sprecilo sirenje COVID-19.
Axioma Travel vam se jos jednom zahvaljuje na podrsci i strpljenju i radujemo se buducoj saradnji i zajednickom oporavku.


Dear Valued Customers,
Our hearts go out to all who have been affected by this global health crisis. And, we humbly thank those working to combat and contain this threat. We hope everybody is staying safe, healthy and calm. This is an unsettling, challenging time for us all and we are doing everything we can to maintain the health and well-being of our employees, while also ensuring we run our business effectively while supporting our customers. To that end we are temporarily closing all three of our offices in Tempe, Arizona, Belgrade, Serbia and Chicago, Illinois. We will continue to support our customers thru our 800 number and via email.

We are also happy to report that we have successfully helped dozens of our customers who were stranded get back home. Our next priority is accommodating and rescheduling customers that have booked tickets for travel thru April 15th. As many of you know, the airlines are waving change fees and allowing customers to rebook travel for later dates. If you have an upcoming trip later this spring or early summer, and wish to reschedule, please start thinking about potential new dates for your trip.

Throughout this unprecedented time, we encourage everyone to follow health protocols in preventing the spread of COVID-19 as the world’s safety is the highest priority. Axioma Travel thanks you for your continued support and looks forward to a timely recovery together.