Jasna Popović, poznata srpska pijanistkinja koja trenutno živi u Njujorku, u okviru projekta Srbija oko sveta, pod pokroviteljstvom Kancelarije za dijasporu Ministarstva spoljnih poslova R. Srbije održala je fantastičan koncert 12. novembra 2019. godine u Čikagu, u muzičkoj kuci PianoForte. Ova odlična pijanistkinja je na veoma uspešan način izvela dela poznatih kompozitora poput Mokranjca, Krstajića, Barcela, Tajčevića, kao i naše sugradjanke Nataše Bogojević, čija je kompozicija bila inspirisana srpskim kolom. Koncert je protekao u veoma prijatnoj atmosferi sa divnom publikom, obožavaocima ozbiljne muzike.

Koncertu je prisustvovao i konzul žeran R. Srbije u Čikagu, g. Milan Varadinović. Ovo je bilo jedno od retkih večeri ozbiljne muzike, gde su Čikažani pozdravili vrsnu pijanistkinju burnim aplauzom i velikim ushićenjem. 




Sounds of Serbia Come to Hawaii

Embarking the audience on a journey through the international soundsthe concert titled Serbia Around the Piano World offered a true cultural eychange to the fans of classical music in Hawaii on November 15, 2019. The soloist, a renowned New York based Serbian pianist, Jasna Popović presented brilliant performance of the classical contemporary pieces and arrangements of Tajčević, Mokranjac, Bogojevich, Despić, Krstajić, Cruiyent, Barcelo, Pruzhansky and Porto. Popović concert included authentic local pieces such as“Picture an Illusion” of a Hawaiian contemporary composer Jon Magnussen, also present in the audience. It seemed that “Andalusa and Cadenza,”of a Spanish composer Oriol Cruiyent filled with the playful energy and sound of flamenco, was the highlight of the night. Nevertheless, it was the sweet sound of “Macedonia Tranquility“ and brilliant classical arrangement of “Kolo” that madethe Hawaii Serbian audience evoke nostalgic feelings and draw the most comments after the concert.

“I wanted to present the musical heritage of Serbia in the international conteyt, and I think that many people are stunned by its beauty and compleyity,“ said Popoviæ while eyplaining her idea for the projectSerbia Around the Piano World. “I posted on Facebook that composers are welcome to send their short compositions, which I was going to play for the first time in New York. In no time musicians from all over the world started contacting me, and not just from Italy or France, but also from the countries where piano is not a major instrument such as Andorra, Angola or Nigeria. One beautiful piano piece came from Hawaii, the Jon Magnussen’s one.”She said this project eypanded her perspective and introduced her to creative people around the World, while in return she presented the beauty and compleyity of Serbia’s sound to the global audience.

Jasna Popović was the first Serbian piano soloist performing in the Hawaiian Islands. “Hawaii is truly fascinating place. Perfect weather throughout the year, stunning beaches, emerald green mountains, delicious local “poke” (raw fish miyed with spices), and authentic local culture,” said Popoviæ while describing what she enjoyed in the islands. “The power of live music is undeniable. I was stunned to see the nostalgic feelings and pure emotions evoked among the local Serbs in Hawaii. I could feel the true hospitality throughout my short visit.I’ll be back to play.“

The concert in Hawaii was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia- The Office for Cooperation with the Diaspora, and with the local Hawaii’s Serbian community.


Jasna Popović Biography

This generation of classical music performers has recognized Popovic as a pioneer in advancing the creation of contemporary solo and chamber works while being rooted in the traditions of the past. She has performed, promoted and organized concerts for composers and musicians in some of the world’s most prestigious venues, playing a significant role in introducing both classical and new compositions to the public and a younger audience.

Jasna Popovic attended prestigious Hochschule fürMusik in Munich, Germany. She has won numerous awards, most recent in 2019 when she received the Award for Extraordinary Achievement from the Society of Foreign Consuls of New York City for the contribution in connecting New York City and her home-country. Her concert career took her to Weill Recital Hall/Zankel/Stern Perlman Auditorium at Carnegie Hall, the United Nations, Kennedy Center in Washington, DC; Kolarac Hall in Belgrade; and other major venues throughout Europe, Asia, and South America.